That day has come to the Hopkins' house for my youngest son who is 2 and here I am blogging about it. Now I'm sure you are thinking, "what is the big deal?" I know, I know, kids get ear infections all the time. It's normal, and I agree with you. It's definitely not the end of the world but I have an inner voice that has been growing and I just can't seem to ignore it. I've been on a journey for roughly 3 years now and virtually everything I used to think was normal is being challenged.
It all started when I began researching the natural birthing techniques. From that I was introduced to a wide variety of natural foods, natural skin care remedies, essential oils, herbs, and something called a probiotic. As soon as I read about the literal war going on in our digestive systems between probiotics and antibiotics I was ruined. I needed to know more and thus began a 3 year journey. Read more on the growing concern over antibiotics.
Today, my concern is that my son is in the 60- 80% of kids who take antibiotics for viruses. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, not viruses and Dr's don't usually concern themselves over the distinction when they are prescribing. If the ear drum or surrounding parts look red, or swollen or irritated, they prescribe antibiotics. The problem is that most ear infections are caused by other viruses (the common cold) that will eventually run their course and go away. When we take antibiotics, our bodies build immunity to the drug and eventually after long term exposure the drugs don't work as effectively when we really need them to for serious or life threatening infections.
"The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that, in some situations, measures to control pain should be instituted before going straight to antibiotics. Using too many antibiotics on a global level has led to "stronger, resistant" bacteria surviving. The increased survival of these "resistant" bacteria has led to difficulty in treating bacterial infections with antibiotics when we really need them. If we stop using antibiotics for every viral infection the surge of "resistant" bacteria will subside." Read more
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