I'm participating in a link up party where we all share our thoughts on the same topic. We are focusing on ONE word for the year of 2012. This word will be a point of reference, a word to chew on and guide our decisions as we intentionally live life. Everyone's word is different. So, as I think about what I want for this coming year, and what I hope God does in my life, I deem my word to be...

I choose restore because that is what I am hoping GOD does in my life this year. We have had a few hard years as a family. We went through a really tough situation in 2008, and from that have lost friends, a job, and a church family. This shift in our life can only be described as God pruning our tree. In nature, trees need branches to be cut off periodically so that the tree as a whole is healthier, can grow taller and more mature. This is a healthy process, but it can be painful, and as a family we have been majorly pruned by God. As the drama has died down and the issues have been laid to rest, I find myself feeling very basic at the core. I am discovering new passions, simplifying priorities, and dreaming again. With all of this new hope for the future, I ask that God restores us. The Bible says He makes all things new.
Do you feel worn out, tired, used up, discarded? God can make all things new no matter how beat up they are and that's my word for this year... restore.
What is your word for the year? I am linking up to
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