MLK Day 2011

Today is MLK day and as we were discussing it this morning over breakfast my kids began to describe to Jesse and I why we celebrate it. Ashden began with the idea that if we didn't have Martin Luther King Jr. we would have to drink out of separate water fountains- true. Ainsley told us that if we didn't have Martin Luther King Jr. then Daddy would have to be our servant- true. Oh wait, WHAT is her logic here? So I asked her nonchalantly why. She said, "because he's black." I said, he is? She said, "well he's a shade of black." And we both laughed silently. The funny thing about this is that Jesse and I have always joked with each other that he really is a shade of black underneath that red neck of his. He grew up in the south for part of his life and loves the beats of the inner city. I think our kids pick up on our conversations more than we think.

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