7 [Book In Review] Chapter 3

Basic [Review]
Chapter 3 is a summary of the author's reduction of STUFF. Yep, we all have it, and probably way too much of it at that. She reduces her and her family's stuff by giving it away, 7 items per day for an entire month. The concept of this chapter is not difficult. Give to the needy. If I have excess of anything, then I can give it to someone who needs it. She makes a beeline for Jesus and his heart for the poor during this month and I loved reading about it.
As I journey through this book, I've been taking one week to fast on each topic and so far it's been challenging and so beneficial. I presume this coming week to be the same.

Favorite Thoughts From The Author
"I serve a Savior who finds a way to get pink purses to homeless six-year-old girls."
 As I read about her church and their service to the homeless population I was inspiried. The author and her friends took food and clothing on Easter to give away. Eight of her own purses, and really, how many purses does one woman need? Anyways, she tells of a story where all of the purses had been taken except for this tiny ity bity pink purse; no one wanted it. Eventually a little girl claimed it as her own and the little girl was beyond excited about it. It just speaks to how much Jesus cares for the desires of our hearts.

"At the close of the service I watched all these smiling people gladly walk barefooted out into the cold and I heard Jesus whisper: This is how I want my church to look. I want her to rip her shoes off of her feet every single chance she gets...A barefooted church." I loved this story because it reminded me of a worship service I have experienced. I was at a women's conference in Omaha and it was the final morning of the weekend. After singing to the Lord, a woman walked up to the alter and explained to the leader how she felt compelled by Jesus to give away her shoes. The leader obviously was suprised by this but decided to let the Holy Spirit move freely. As the leader stood at the alter trying to give the shoes away to a recipient who's feet would fit into them, the offerings and sacrafices started to flow. One by one, each woman brought something of value up to the alter to give to Jesus; shoes, purses, jewlery, gift cards, cash. There was a giveaway that was planned for that morning so the leader started drawing names out of it to find the recipients of each of the treasures.

Now as a young stay at home mom, I had someone pay for my ticket to be at the conference, and I had spent all of my extra money on a babysitter, roughly $80.00 for the entire conference. I literally had nothing to give but I had my daughter with me that morning and wanted to be a good example for her. As the names were being drawn out of the hat, the leader stopped and started crying because she knew my situation. Someone had given a $100 bill and my name had been drawn to recieve it. I knew then that God takes care of those in need. As the giving had started to come to a close, everyone's name had eventually been drawn from the basket. That's how generous the Spirit had led the giving. There was one name left, and one gift left. My daughter's name was drawn for a tube of pink lipgloss which was the only gift that day that would have made her heart go pitter patter.
That experience reminds me that Jesus wants to woo our hearts to himself. Nothing is too silly.

"Giving away is somehow sacred, connecting to the sacraficial heartbeat of Jesus...When God told us to give, I suspect He had spiritual formation in mind as much as much as meeting needs...The church is not beyond the movement of Jesus. A stirring is happening within the Bride...As Jesus explained, the right things have to die so that the right things can live-we die to selfishness, greed, power, accumulation, prestige, and self-preservation giving life to community, generosity, compassion, mercy, brotherhood, kindness and love." May we yield to the transformating power of the Spirit as we learn to give.

Word(s) that Last
"Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven." Matthew 6:19

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