7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess [Book In Review]

I WON! I'm so excited to start reading this book. In it, Jen Hatmaker details her own social experiment on her self (family included) against the materialism and consumerism that runs rampant in American society. The basic idea begins with an unrest within her self regarding the greed, comfort, irresponsibility and plain old self-centeredness she was feeling. She decides to confront it. She chooses 7 areas that need change desperately: food, clothes, possessions, media, waste, spending, and stress. I know these ring true for me as well. She begins a journey where she limits herself for one month in the given area, essentially she fasts.We get an inside glimpse of her daily thoughts and feelings during this time of fasting. It's a brave move on her part to be so vulnerable. She says, "7 will be an exercise in simplicity with one goal: to create space for God's kingdom to break through."

I love to read auto biographies and this book falls into that category.
I plan on giving a book review each Friday, one chapter at a time. I hope to share my own thoughts and my family's real life change that organically sprouts from it. Every book we read influences us somehow; to think not is naive. So join me as I read her social experiment and journey through my own. To order this book for yourself go to Amazon

  A big thanks to Lisa from Life is Crazy Beautiful for the giveaway!

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