

Beautiful sunshine for my birthday. Thanks God!

Ashden was pretending to cut down a tree- or more like my pepper plant...

Jesse cut down a dead tree for me. Acts of Service. How can you not love that?

At the Lied Lodge in NE City after my brunch buffet! Yum yum

This was a big week for our family, well ok, maybe just me. I often feel nostalgic on my birthday or holidays but this week it was especially so. I turned 30 this year and there were so many emotions attached to this new number I can't even explain it all. Jesse and I celebrated 9 years of marriage, and especially this year, it really feels like an accomplishment. We've watched some good friends go through this horrible thing called divorce and I guess I've realized now more than ever to CELEBRATE each year. We also had our first parent/teacher conference for Kindergarten and that was challenging. Jesse's trying to button down a master's degree and our sweet little "baby" has taken his first steps. WHERE has the time gone? It is seriously a challenge for me to remember Ainsley's infant years which is why I'm appreciating this blog so much more.

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