My beautiful dreamer

Today marks the end of the first week of Kindergarten and guess what, I cried. Yesterday Ainsley's teacher said she missed me and that's all I could think about as I walked her to her room. She hung up her raincoat and backpack and was immediately greeted by one of her new friends. As girls do they started comparing t-shirts and talking. I don't know what it was about that moment, but she seemed so grown up. I was hoping I did a good enough job buying her that t-shirt she was now showing to her friend. That $1.00 used t-shirt at a clothing sale I shopped last week. Is it good enough? And when will it change from a great t-shirt that says Beautiful Dreamer to not good enough, needing to be new or in style? Those aren't really my concerns right now, but oh how fast they grow. Earlier in the week I saw a 6th grade girl talking with her friends. She had started developing, wearing a bra and eye liner. 5 YEARS- I have 5 years until that is my daughter. The past 5 have flown by! Am I ready for this? Letting go is hard, and its a process and it involves trusting Ainsley's Creator. He's with her all day. This is just the beginning, but I have to start this process somewhere.

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